Households Paying To Use Own Solar Output
RenewEconomy reports that Solar households now have to pay to use their own solar output. One that monitors their solar “exports” –...

Quick Tip: How to Check How Much Gas is Left in Your Bottles
Not sure how much gas you have left in your 45L bottle? Here is a tip tip on how to check. Firstly fill a container with warm water (not...

Quick Tip: How to Change Over LPG Gas Bottles
Quite often we get phone calls from customers thinking that their gas hot water system isn't working. More often then not they have ran...

How Much Do Your Appliances Cost To Run ?
AGL have provided some great information on what some typical household appliances cost to run a year. EG. an electric hot water system...

Choosing the Right Solar Hot Water System
StartFragmentTrade Secrets - Solar Hot Water Systems Interested in changing to Solar Hot Water, but would like to know more about how it...

21 Tips To Save Power
StartFragmentElectricity price surge: 21 ways you can save on power - The Queensland Times http://news.google.com Tue, 29 Mar 2016...